martes, 5 de abril de 2011

Catacombs of St. Callixtus

Celebrating Eucharist at the

Tuesday morning, the participants in Project Mornese went in pilgrimage to the Catacombs of St. Callixtus.  There, with the thousands of early Christians that gave their lives for Christ, the FMA recalled the journey of Mother Mazzarello to this same sacred spot.

Walking through the sacred tombs of the saints, it was easy to recall our own Saint Mary Mazzarello, who, at this very spot gave of her own poverty to help another in need.

Salesian guide of the Catacombs
As is recorded in the Cronistoria, although she was sick, she gave her shawl to a Slesian cleric, Carlo Pane, who was shivering with cold from an attack of malaria. 
With no consideration for her own well-being, Mother Mazzarello, like the first martyrs, gave all to Christ by giving all to another.

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