viernes, 27 de septiembre de 2013

27th Sept. Nizza Monferrato

The Project Mornese group concluded their experience with a visit to Nizza.  Our convent is a 17 century building. After the suppression of the Franciscans it was used as a winery. Don Bosco bought it for the FMA in 1789 and the Sisters transferred from Mornese to Nizza.  It was a great sacrifice for Maria Mazzzarello and the sisters to leave Mornese. Leaving her beloved village and setting up in Nizza had it own hardships.  It was indeed a difficult period in the life of Mother Mazzarello. Yet, in this detachment there were seeds of new growth for the Institute.  Maria Mazzarello lived here for only two years until her death in 1881.

It was here that don Bosco saw Our Lady walking in the house. His secretary tried to interpret for him, but Don Bosco insisted, “Our Lady is walking in this house and is covering it with her mantle.”
We prayed in the room where Mother she died, and renewed our commitment to the Lord.
Fr. Joy celebrated Mass for us and the community prepared a splendid lunch. 
In the museum we saw artifacts of Maria Mazzarello, objects used by Don Bosco, Don Cagliero,  and Don Costamagna. 

In the afternoon we went to visit the elderly Sisters at St. Joseph’s where they are lovingly cared for by the community.   Some of the Sisters are in their 80’s and 90’s and are still alert and give a contribution to the community.  In fact, they do adoration every day for the Sisters in the whole world.   
Our last visit was to the cemetery where hundreds of our sisters are buried. We prayed at the tomb of Mother Ersilia Canta, and Mother Marinella who was the inspirer of Project Mornese. What a wonderful legacy she left us!   

Project Mornese was a wonderful experience of joy, faith and fellowship. Thanks to the congregation for this special gift to us all, and to our provinces.   
We thank Fr. Joy, our faithful chaplain, and our 3 animators: Sr. Edna Mary Mc Donald, Sr. Maire O’Byrne, and Sr. Teresa Jojo.  They lived the message of Mother Mazzarello and that spoke volumes. We all return renewed and determined to imitate Main in our everyday lives.

26th Sept. Desert Day

Our Desert day began with a meditation and reflection by Sister Edna Mary, on the meaning of being focused on essentials. During this past month, we have been immersed in a spirituality of our FMA heritage and have absorbed so much. Today was the time to stop and refocus, and get our priorities in order, evaluate our journey and make a viable plan for our coming journey.

Everyone chose a place to make their desert day come to life. Some chose the Mazzarelli’s, others the parish church, some chose a particular spot at the Collegio, the chapel, the beautiful grounds and others to return to the Roccetta chapel surroundings to meditate and experience God’s nature.

The day soon ended as everyone gathered for an eventful sharing on the evaluation of this third stage of our Project Mornese. It proved to be such a convergence of minds and hearts as every FMA shared their grateful thanks in a variety of ways. We have seen so much, taken in a lot of information and have truly had a beautiful, hands-on experience of faith and love lived in charity. Mary Domenica has come alive before our very eyes. Our gratitude goes to God, our Mother General, Sister Maria Americo, Sister Beatriz, our Sisters back home, who are carrying out our duties, our families and friends, our Project Mornese animators, Chaplain and Sisters of the Community have all contributed into making this an enriching, faith filled experience. We, in turn, pray and offer for we realize it’s our responsibility to pass on the good and share the wealth we have acquired! We all have a desire to go deeper in our search for God.

Soon after that, we all gathered once more to celebrate Eucharist, with Father Joy animating this Liturgy. It was a beautiful Mass, incorporating technology at its finest, with video clips, simple and deep in meaning. We have been blest to have him as our chaplain throughout this month of our Project Mornese. He has truly been a brother among his sisters.

Our day concluded with a beautiful rendition of Gratitude to our animators and Father Joy for the tremendous work, organization and their personal preparation to make this project such a spiritual success, We presented a video of Prayer with music and pictures, sang, had words of thanks, and more rendition of thank you from our hearts. Mother Mazzarello was definitely smiling on her daughters!

Finally as part of our Good Night, Father Joy shared a video clip on a sung/prayed rendition of the Prayer of St. Francis. We ended on a beautiful note of peace and harmony.

jueves, 26 de septiembre de 2013

25 Sept. Thanksgiving

Today  we reflected on St.Mary Mazzarello’s devotion to Our Blessed Lady.  Hers was a practical devotion which we can see from her letters which she wrote to the sisters as they approached the Novena to the Immaculate Virgin. What Mary recommends is a renewal of fervor in their commitment to the vows made on entering the religious life, faithfulness to the Holy Rule, to crush self love and to practice charity towards each other. She also recommends fervor in the practices of piety and in the reception of the Eucharist. Mary’s Marion devotion is Christ centered.

We also reflected on Mary’s wish to go on the missions in order that the word of God may reach many souls. Even though she never went herself, she was generous in sending many of the sisters there. In her lifetime she saw three groups leave Italy for Missionary lands. The first took place even when the Congregation was just five years established, which shows how generous and anxious Mary was towards the spread of the Kingdom of God.

This day is also one in which we express our thanks to all present and especially to our animators, Srs.Edna, Maire, Teresa, and Fr. Joy for all their generous giving during these days. Our Mass was one of Thanksgiving. Each one brought a symbol to the altar to represent our gratitude for all we have received.  The rest of the day was spent in preparation for our concert of thanksgiving to the Community here.        

Tuesday 24th September, Forgiveness

This morning we had a very inspiring talk on Maria Domenica's style of animation and formation. She expected every member of the community to be responsible for her own growth and that of the community, empowering them to reach their own potential. She had prudence and a sense of judgment which was rarely found in those days. She showed warmth and concern for the sisters. In her letters to them she usually ended up by telling them "I am ready to do anything for your good." However she was also able to be more challenging when the situation require it and she was never afraid of being challenged by those whom she led. She actively encouraged the contribution of all in order to arrive at the best thinking in the community. Maria Dominica was quite capable of expressing her opinion respectfully and when she did not agree with a decision that was being taken she was not afraid to seek the advice of the sisters. However she tended to keep problems in proportion and when writing to authority figures in the name of the community she was not afraid to seek the advice of the sisters.

During the course of the morning we were able to return to the Valponasca in glorious sunshine. Fr. Joy provided a beautiful reconciliation service after which each one was anointed with the Oil of Nard . This was followed by a beautiful outdoor celebration of the Mass at the statue of Mary Help of Christians. The celebration was led by the the Province of the South Pacific Region in true national style. Father reminded us we were standing on holy ground in Mornese and that this experience never dies. He urged us above all to be rooted in the love of God and in the particular ministry to which we are called.
In the afternoon we had a lovely Salesian diversion to our day in that the 5th class pupils from a school in Agnelli Turin came to visit the Valponasca They were very interested in the International nature of our group and there was a lovely mingling of cultures with  different greetings and songs. They too wanted to experience the Valponasca Window and had their photograph taken.

At the evening recreation we were very privileged to share their culture by means of a CD presentation and this sharing was very enriching. 

miércoles, 25 de septiembre de 2013

Educating Community 23 Sept

In Sr. Edna Mary’s talk she focused on Maria Mazzarello’s love for young people which  was something embedded in her from her teenage years.  It was this love for youth that encompassed her entire life.  Her spirituality was a spirituality of the every day.  In her letters to the Sisters she wrote , “let the children laugh, jump and sing.”  Hers was a wholistic approach centering on the person. She had groups of girls and young women of varying ages and social backgrounds, and yet she never wavered.

 Today, young people are searching for a deeper meaning in life.  The fact that they are able to name the quest is encouraging.  Maria saw the social needs of the time and she responded to them. Like her, we should empower the youth to make strong convictions about their contribution to society and the church.

The Rochetta.
We visited the Rochetta Shrine, of  Our Lady of Graces, high up on the mountains. Maria Mazzarello used to go with the Sisters and girls on Pilgrim picnic.  It was here she made the dress for the poor girl they  met on the road, and sent her home well dressed in neat attire. The Shrine was built by a noble couple who were praying for a child. Our Lady answered their prayer and they had twins.   They kept their promise and built the shrine.   

The Liturgy was beautifully animated by the INB province of Mumbai.  At the penitential rite we were presented with homemade  flower and asked to exchange it as a sign of peace and forgiveness. It was a very meaningful gesture.   At the Good Night  the Sisters spoke about the new venture the province are involved in with the SDB for the most poor and marginalized.  Our educating communities are  alive and strong, we see the need and we are not afraid to take risks.

lunes, 23 de septiembre de 2013

Sunday, September 22, 2013

We had a wonderful “free day”.  Time for prayer and reflection as some FMAs attended Mass at the Mazzarelli’s and some at the Parish Church. The fervor of the parish priest is felt as he delivers his sermon, helping his people with practical hints to practice the Gospel.  The Group was invited to sing the recessional song: Here I am Lord that we sang with gusto.

Shortly thereafter we visited the parish crypt where there is a spectacular “presepio” (crib) of St. Sylvester. There are cribs from the FMA’s all over the world, beautifully displayed and in the interior, there is a nativity scene presenting Christ’s birth in the midst of life in Mornese.  There is movement of every sort with lights as well.  Quite a sight to behold and make a memory of it in your heart forever!
 After our Mass, simply and well prepared by our Sister from Japan, we had a surprise visit from our Salesian priests and brothers who are presently in Turin.  They are missionaries and will receive their cross on Sunday along with our FMAs.  It was an added joy to see 38 of them from all parts of the world.  They came to visit our beloved Mornese and learn more about St. Mary Mazzarello.  Our Sisters here in Mornese are ever ready to welcome whoever comes!

 In the evening we gathered once again to enjoy an animated recreation and presentation by the province of Japan.  It was a moving time to reflect on the sorrows our Sisters and people in Japan have gone through in their experience of earthquakes and Tsunamis.  Yet, their spirit of hope and helping others is shown in their generous giving and how all our communities are ready to help and share.  We thank God for his continued Divine Providence to us all!


We began our day by reflecting on the first community of Mornese, where we drew inspiration for the day. The presentation was given by Sr. Maire. It was like the inner journey of returning home to find once more our true selves, as FMA. The early Sisters were very different from each other, each one having a particular talent, and coming from diverse backgrounds. Yet, they worked together to make community and to create a home where one felt it was truly “the house of the love of God.” Mother Mazzarello tried to understand each sister; for each person matters and must be respected. 
Fr. Joy Mathew celebrated the lovely mass prepared by our Irish Sisters and gave us a reflection on the theme of the day, Pilgrim Road.  In the afternoon  we went to the Roverno River where we celebrated the joy of being together. We walked in the footsteps of our first Sisters  and recalled with emotion the many times Maria and the sisters walked to and from this river with their laundry. The walk was long but it  turned into a celebration at the Roverno, and became  a moment of  community encounter.

There were 10 of us who stayed back at the Collegio.  Thanks to Sr. Maire, we too had our prayer service by the well. It was simple and deep in meaning.  We let the water drawn from the well, also symbolically wash our souls from sin and pettiness as we asked for the Father’s forgiveness.  We then went down stairs for a snack and fellowship.
 After the long walk, a relaxed recreation with an Irish sing song was welcomed. The Good Night spoke of the Prayer Ministry in the Irish province especially with the Retreats and Prayer Guidance.  It was certainly a choral community as we  all sang in tune.

sábado, 21 de septiembre de 2013

September 20, visit to the cemetery

The morning prayer focused on the theme of friendship. This friendship between Maria and Petronilla was a great strength for both, as they discerned together  what the Lord was asking of them.  In the sacred space a beautiful  Indian saree  was folded in the shape of a flower and placed close to the fire symbolizing  the bond of friendship among the two friends, coming together in the heart of Jesus.
In the Eucharist, Fr.Joy reminded us that  just as the Spirit was active in the lives of people in the early church, that  same spirit is  guiding our congregation and is still strong.   We find our charism at work  in many parts of the world.
In her presentation,  Sr.Teresa Jojo the animator, explained how

Maria and Petronilla were doing the same work for girls as Don Bosco was doing for his boys in Valdocco, and yet Maria had no guidance for such a mission. It all came naturally to her as her goal was always to help young girls to love God and have a good education.  We FMA are proud of our humble origins. Having visited the house of Immacolata we have a better understanding of the  struggles and difficulties Maia
went through.

The group visited the cemetery to  pay homage to our sisters who gave their heroic service to the congregation. We offered a rosary  for them and for the people in the life of St. Mary Mazzarello.
The province of INS  organized the recreation and the good night.  They showed a power point of the  work they do for the villages outlining in particular their program about the  Income Generating Activities.  A program that helps poor people run small businesses

viernes, 20 de septiembre de 2013

19th September 2013

As I arise at dawn,

I look out of my window 

And gaze at the smiling orange sun

Sitting reverently behind  the Mornese hills

inviting me  to adore its creator.

  Sr. Moire the Animator, spoke about the spiritual friendship of Mary and Petronilla, and  

how they complimented and helped each other towards  their goal of doing everything purely for the love of God.  Their friendship  was of a  spiritual nature as  Jesus was the center of their lives. Petronilla played a vital role in Mary’s life; without her Mary could not have achieved as much.

 In the afternoon we prayed the rosary in the village of Mornese at the various places of interest where  Mary and Petronilla met, prayed, worked, and mapped out their future mission together. The reflections were taken from the letters of Mother Mazzarello and from her life we were inspired by her  simple faith, determination and passion for Jesus and the young. 

We watched the movie on the life of Main where it portrayed a modern woman, full of courage, insight, strong faith, and open to the needs of the modern world. It made us proud to be FMA.
The INC province animated the meaningful Eucharist, recreation and good night , presenting the activities the province has undertaken. It highlighted the work of the special classes for the blind.    

jueves, 19 de septiembre de 2013

September 18, visit to Casa Immacolata

September 18,    The theme of the day was suffering, discernment and new life.  Sr. Edna Mary reflected with the group  on Maria Mazzarello’s experience of illness and rejection among her own town folk which eventually  brought about a turning point in her life.  Maria’s experience of suffering gave birth to a new and wider mission in accepting God’s plan for her.  The question we have to ask ourselves now is “What do you hold on to when you are suffering?” This serves as a gentle reminder for us.  After this session we felt supported in our moments of vulnerability.
The Eucharist was celebrated by Fr. Joy, SDB, and  he intensified our willingness to accept suffering and contradictions and to become more like the bread broken in the Eucharist to be shared and  given to others .  The Mass was prepared by the ING province of North India.

 The afternoon was spent with Signora Clara, the present owner of the Casa Immacolata, who kindly welcomed us into her house.  This house situated beside the parish church was the beginning of the work of Maria and Petronilla. It was here the Daughters of Mary Immaculate met and cared for the first group of boarders.  Signora Clara shared mementos and other materials she had in connection with Maria Mazzarello, Don Pestarino , and the Pious Union. After this session we felt supported in our moments of vulnerability.

The day ended with a prayer and faith sharing in small groups.    
At the goodnight the ING province shared about their apostolate among the marginalized , and we were all moved by the heroic work these Sisters are doing for youth and women at risk.  Like Maria Mazzarello we  FMA can bring new life to people in spite of their hardship.  


miércoles, 18 de septiembre de 2013

September 17, visit to Valponasca

The FMA that visited the Valponasca today were already familiar with the window that Maria Mazzarello looked out of from the second story of her home in this isolated part of Mornese. This window and the well have become for us FMA important icons in our spirituality. From her window Maria could gaze at the parish church perched on top of the hill, and see the flicker of the tabernacle light reflected through the stain glass windows. The sight of this transported her to prayer and contemplation on the wonderful mystery of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Mary encouraged her family to join her in prayer every evening, and she would mentally unite herself with Fr. Pestarino and the parishioners in adoring and thanking God for his blessings.
The Sisters had the joy of spending most of the day at this sacred, silent place, and prayed at the window of the Valponasca. Sr. Maire O’Byrne reminded us in her talk that the time Maria spent at the Valponasca was one of the richest periods of Maria’s life. Maria herself stated, “It was here I learned to work, pray, contemplate and serve with love.”
The Eucharist was celebrated by Fr. Joy Matthews , and was animated beautifully by the INK province,of Banglore, India. The community of the Collegio provided a scrumptious picnic lunch and this fortified us for the afternoon and the walk back home. The day concluded with a meaningful prayer reflection and spontaneous sharing by each sister. It was a moment of profound insight as each one spoke of what was in her heart. It was evident Mother Mazzarello still communicates today with her daughters. They have taken from this experience to be more committed to a deeper prayer life and contemplation, to hard work, joy and courage in the mission, and above all making our houses a home that welcomes and like Main to be continually united with God in creation, and with one another. From the window of the Valponasca we look out beyond and take risks, and from the well we will go deeper into our lives.

martes, 17 de septiembre de 2013

Visit to the Parish Church – September 16, 2013

Our Project Mornese group had an enriching afternoon visiting the Parish Church where Maria Mazzarello grew up.  The Church is about 400 years old.  We had the opportunity to listen so some very informative explanations about when and where Maria Domenica was baptized.  Sister Maura and Sister Edna Mary give us some highlights and insights into our Saints life that both intrigue us and give us opportunity for reflection.

We were able to see the Baptismal Font and even view the register where Maria Mazzarello’s name is inscribed, a rare thing to see.

We participated in a meaningful prayer service and renewed our baptismal promises.  Each one of us was able to go to pray at the font, bless ourselves with the holy water, while the FMA’s prayed for us.  This was very meaningful. We could visualize our own Maria Domenica being present among us.

We came away renewed and refreshed.  We thank God for the gift of faith, our parents, godparents and our congregation, for giving us so many blessings.  We pray to continue to live our faith and witness to it joyfully.

September 15, Sunday

Sept 15, 2013 is our 5th day in the Collegio, Mornese. It's a Sunday and a free schedule for us. It was a lovely day the Lord poured upon us His blessings. He blessed us with rain that brought  cool breezes to  Mornese.

We're so happy with the schedule because we can dedicate more time for personal needs as well as more time for prayer and  to be alone with our dear Mother Mazzarello.

The invitation to mass at the parish church of San Silvestre where Mother Mazzarello was baptized, prayed and attended mass everyday was something special.  We were welcomed by the parishioners. At 5:30 we had our group mass. The mass was animated by the Indian, Calcuta province. A ritual of welcome was given. Each participant was given a tiny scarf which they wore  on their shoulder, and each one  received a mark (powdered mixed with water) on each one's forehead.  These were signs of joy, of welcome and celebration of  the gathering as one family of God.

At around 8:30 pm the group also presented a power point of their province showing the different works done in Calcutta.

I'm really grateful to the Lord for having been called to this Institute. The charism, the spirit of

Mornese is so alive and dynamic and continues to move on in the hearts' of each FMA.

lunes, 16 de septiembre de 2013

14th September, Mazzarelli

 The 14th September, feast of the Holy Cross, was marked by a beautiful Liturgy, placing our own crosses with the cross of Jesus as an introduction to the Eucharist.  On this day we reflected on the early life of Mary Mazzarello, especially around the area of the Mazzarelli, starting with an inspiring meditative prayer on the Earth and its mystery, the home which God made for his people. We all brought soil from our own country to the assembly, as soil represents the inhabitants of the earth, the part of the world into which we were born, and for all of us gathered here the soil of the Mazzarelli area is where we are all born into the F.M.A. family.  Applying the comparison of soil to our own lives we encounter different types of people ,stony, those chocked with weeds, some easily trampled underfoot and rich and fertile. From this comparison our task was to ponder what kind of soil we were at the present.     
After dinner we visited the Mazzarelli area. This inspiring place comprised of Mary’s birth place, and the little Church of Mary Help of Christians which was built in thanksgiving for Our Lady’s protection of the people from cholera and which was often frequented by Mary.   We also visited the House of Spirituality , where we were warmly welcomed and treated to refreshments ,  and the beautiful Church which was planned by the sisters and built by the help of the past pupils, and was consecrated on August the 4th 1972 to commemorate the centenary of the Congregation.    This inspiring visit put all we had been hearing into perspective. It was both emotional and inspiring to see so many things associated with Main and her work. Hers was a soil that was rich and fruitful. As a symbolic gesture, before leaving this sacred ground we combined our own piece of soil with that of the soil of Mornese praying for our own special intentions as we did so. It was certainly a day to remember and savor.

First days at Mornese

On Friday 13th September 2013 at 7.30am  we gathered in the chapel for Morning Prayer and meditation on Mother Mazzarello’s letters. During this time we were asked to write an imaginative letter from Mazzarello to each one of us. In the future we will share with  our Sisters what we have learnt about our dear foundress.

In the morning Sr. Edna Mary, the expert on the letters of Mother Mazzarello gave us  some input. We learnt about  the significant people who influenced Mother Mazzarello’s   life like,  Fr. Frassinetti, Fr Pestarino and  of course Don Bosco .

In the afternoon at 3pm we had a brief guided leisurely walk to Mornese village. The scenes became vivid as our guide explained that happened years ago.

At 7pm again we had Evening Prayer followed by evening meal, and then animated recreation and good night by the S.U. A. province. The day ended with a video clip by the province which gave us information about their wonderful work.

Prayer before the image of our Lady Help of Christians, Turin Italy

It was with eagerness, silence and great fervor that all of us FMA, making the Project Mornese, climbed the stairs that led to balcony near the image of our Lady Help of Christians.  For each FMA, it was an unforgettable experience of joy and awe to be so close to this famous painting!  Our Lady seemed to come alive before our very eyes.  St. John Bosco wanted us, his daughters, to be a living monument to Mary and this evening gave us the experience of our lives.  Our hour of prayer went quickly as we listened to the Word of God, pondered what this meant for us in our own lives, looked at some of the details of this beautiful painting and prayed for ourselves and so many heartfelt intentions and people in our lives.  We prayed to our Lady, spontaneously invoking her under so many titles.  It was so beautifully done.  We ended with singing the Magnificat and the traditional prayer of O Mary most powerful Virgin. We were gently reminded of Don Bosco’s words: “All with Mary, nothing without Mary.”  We pray to live this with our lives as we persevere until death.

jueves, 12 de septiembre de 2013

11th of September

The time has come to say goodbye to our dear holy place in Turin where the Basilica and the important memories of our Founder Don Bosco enriched us.

After breakfast we visited the community chapel which was the chapel of two provincial houses. The beautiful paintings enhanced this holy place. At 10.00 a.m. we had the prayer and did the evaluation of our time spent in Turin. The most significant experiences in Turin for us were the moments of quiet prayer and reflection in the company of Our Blessed Mother especially in the Balcony of Mary Help of Christians. Giving the key of our heart to Mary was a moving moment for us, as we recalled how Mother Mazzarello made this simple gesture at Mornese when she placed the key of the house at the feet of Our Lady statue.

After the evaluation we had the Holy Eucharist around the altar in the Basilica. Fr. Joy Matthew celebrated the Holy Eucharist. He highlighted the Article 4 of our Constitutions. "Mary Most Holy was the inspirer of our Institute and continues to be its Mother and Teacher. At 2.30 we set out for Mornese. At seeing Mornese we expressed our joy by singing "Mornese land filled with sunshine...". When we arrived we were warmly welcomed by the sisters. After tea we went down to the village, where they were celebrating the feast of St Nicolas, the Patron of the village. In the evening we had the beautiful prayer secession around the well.

Our desire here is to have a deeper experience of Jesus, like Maria Mazzarello.


10th of September

The Valdocco experience began with a power point presentation of the whole campus. The Morning Prayer was outdoors and took in significant places in Don Bosco’s life at the beginning of the oratory. We walked reverently through the portico of Casa Maria Ausiliatrice , stood in prayer around the statue of Don Bosco in the courtyard, prayed in the Pinardi Chapel and shared a loaf of fresh bread at the pump where Don Bosco and his boys had breakfast. We concluded our reflection in Don Bosco’s rooms. At midday we had the joy of having the Eucharist in the camerette of Don Bosco. Two SDB’s were present, Fr. Joy Matthews, our chaplain, and Fr. Michael Casey, the provincial of Ireland.
In the afternoon we walked to the church of the Consolata where we prayed at the beautiful icon of the Madonna, so dear to Don Bosco. It was at this church he went to say Mass after his mother passed away. He went early in the morning to ask Our Lady to be his mother from now on and that of his boys as well.
In the visit of the church of St. Francis of Assisi we saw the sacristy where Don Bosco met Bartholomew Garelli and where Don Bosco began his mission. Outside the Sacristy we stepped on the playground where our founder entertained his boys. It is so small our group of 38 could barely fit in. It is still surrounded by apartments. No wonder the people complained, and still Don Bosco kept trying and believed in God and his dream.

8th September  Our Lady’s Birthday

The day dawned with lots of joy in our hearts, for it is the birthday of our Blessed Mother and also the birthday of Sr. Maria Concepcion Ocaro and Sr. Maria Miyazawa Naoko. We gathered in the conference hall at 8 am for Prayer and Orientation where we prayed for the sisters who celebrated their birthday and feast days. We were inspired by the power point on the places of Chieri where Don Bosco studied at High School and the Seminary. He had many difficulties to overcome. We visited our house of St. Teresa in Chieri, where mother Mazzarello’s sister, Felicita, had been the superior. When Don Bosco was asked to send some sisters to help, he said, “I have no sisters but I will send the Mother.” and he gave a statue of Our Lady. We had the joy of seeing that statue. After some years the sisters went there. We walked to the church of Our Lady of Grace where Mother Morano and the grand parents of Don Bosco were baptized. When Don Bosco was discerning his vocation, he would frequent the church of St. Philip Neri and make a novena to Our Lady to guide him. As a seminarian he attended Mass daily and would skip his breakfast. Comollo, one of his friends from the seminary days, is buried in this church. All these places talked to us about the importance of facing bravely the difficulties of life and putting our full trust in the Lord.