sábado, 7 de septiembre de 2013

Remembering the starting

First day of Project Mornese
With a simple celebration the group put fire in the starting of the Progetto Mornese English Speaking. The presence of Sr Dominique and the visit of Casa Generalizia with Sr Piera were the outline of the day.
Small comment on the visit to the Roman Basilicas.
Rising early just to be in Rome enthused me to move out from Sacra Cuore (the temporary abode). The cool breeze and pleasant stroll along the  city wall l led us to the solemn entry into Vatican shrine. The cultural architecture, tedious art and heavenly atmosphere filled me with admiration and pride to be a Roman Catholic.
The holy Eucharist in the cript moved me immotionaly as we were between the tombs of St.Pter the Rock and our beloved millennium pope john paul II.  The love for Il Papa continued as we shopped religious articles for our friends and dear ones at home in our own country.
 The pilgrim journey continues to yet another important shrines of John the lateran.
The simplicity and mosic on the floor  amazed me at the shrine of  St.Paul. Our focus was now on Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
The third basilica was of Mary mMajor close to the heart of every fma. The big number  of pilgrimages helped us realize the devotion we have for our blessed specially to our lady of snow.
We concluded the day with visit to our own Basilica of Sacred Heart built at the request of il Papa by our founder. The museum and where Don Bosco died was the last place of the visit of the day. The day filled me with sacred and holy reverence to Pope and gratitude to God for my Christian and religious vocation.

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